I specialize in helping individuals and business owners with retirement planning by showing them the most efficient ways to create income in retirement. While operating under a fiduciary standard of care, I develop comprehensive financial plans that consist of investment strategies, retirement planning, and insurance solutions.

Step 1
Define the Relationship
Identify client needs & goals, determine services to be provided. Discuss planning fee or advisor compensation. Determine the duration of the engagement. Establish the client's and Advisor's responsibilities.
Step 2
Gather Data & Analyze
In-depth discussion of client's long/short-term goals, and level of priority. Review assets, liabilities, and cash flow. Discuss risk tolerance, tax exposure, and previous experience. Client to provide statements.
Step 3
Develop & Present Recommendations
Recap client goals and objectives. Review financial analysis and illustrations. Discuss potential strategies and solutions that fulfill client objectives. Consider pros and cons and assess alternative options.
Step 4
Implement Strategies* & Monitor
Outline next steps, begin paperwork and new client onboarding. Meet regularly to review and update financial needs and goals. Monitor account performance. Provide on-going financial guidance.

*Financial plan recommendations can be implemented with the advisor of your choosing. Implementation of specific products or services may result in commissions or fees outside of a potential financial plan fee. Periodic reviews of your financial plan may require a new planning agreement and result in additional fees.
